是的~是的~終於在昨天 KP終於發行了睽違三年的單曲(敲碗敲碗 一種發專的節奏) 超開心的拉!
話說...剛好KP跟Britney Spears的好像都這一兩天發單曲
一個不小心就把小甜甜的榜首踢下來(雖然我也很喜歡小甜甜的新歌[Make Me] 但是我還是最愛KATY)
這首歌的旋律 不是屬於特別輕快的那種
一開始是沉穩穩健的 中間是情緒激昂的 整首的情緒是不斷不斷地累積 直接衝擊
很喜歡這首的風格 歌詞帶有正面能量
單曲版MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdw1uKiTI5c
奧運版MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFIIMEe2Ht0 (暫時看不到...7/29一更)
Katy真的唱的超讚的 現場演出多少有點小瑕疵 一開始收音不是很好
但後來Katy 還是穩穩地把它唱完Rise 還很有爆發力地連結了Roar
完美地結束了超勵志組曲 說不定下次還可以再把Firework合在一起 超讚der
超勵志現場版: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df0xj-d-IGI
彩排版: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJi874R475Q
9/1二更 : [開箱文] 凱蒂佩芮-崛起 {單曲} [UNBOXING] Katy Perry - RISE {Single} http://j331475.pixnet.net/blog/post/208049338
[Verse 1]
I won't just survive
Oh, you will see me thrive
Can't write my story
I'm beyond the archetype
I won't just conform
No matter how you shake my core
Cause my roots, they run deep, oh
[Pre-Chorus 1]
Oh, ye of so little faith
Don't doubt it, don't doubt it
Victory is in my veins
I know it, I know it
And I will not negotiate
I'll fight it, I'll fight it
I will transform
When, when the fire's at my feet again
And the vultures all start circling
They're whispering, "you're out of time."
But still, I rise
This is no mistake, no accident
When you think the final nail is in; think again
Don't be surprised, I will still rise
[Verse 2]
I must stay conscious
Through the menace and chaos
So I call on my angels
They say...
[Pre-Chorus 2]
Oh, ye of so little faith
Don't doubt it, don't doubt it
Victory is in your veins
You know it, you know it
And you will not negotiate
Just fight it, just fight it
And be transformed
When, when the fire's at my feet again
And the vultures all start circling
They're whispering, "you're out of time."
But still, I rise
This is no mistake, no accident
When you think the final nail is in; think again
Don't be surprised, I will still rise
Don't doubt it, don't doubt
Oh, oh, oh, oh
You know it, you know it
Still rise
Just fight it, just fight it
Don't be surprised, I will still rise
資料來源(影片與歌詞的連結): http://genius.com/Katy-perry-rise-lyrics
*超開心~~GQ Magzine放了整個版面的katy 超愛這這單曲封面的
還有去年年底與 H&M的合拍廣告的通知外 終於有新訊息了!
(我絕對不會說 之前訊息期間 你傳訊息的話他還會回你他的歌曲副歌呢! XD
雖然都是先打好 電腦會重複的回覆...好像有ROAR,DARK HORSE ,CALIFORNIA GURLS...)